Magnifying visual aids (low vision)

We dedicate ourselves intensively to this task in our specialist optician's shop. The most suitable aid depends on the type of eye condition and the remaining visual performance. We have a large selection of different aids.

You will be given detailed advice and provided with trial devices for testing.
The visual success is immediately visible.


If glasses are no longer enough, our experienced experts will show you the possibilities offered by magnifying visual aids! We take plenty of time for personal, individual and needs-orientated advice. Come and visit us!

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Electronic magnifiers

Are you one of the people in Germany who cannot see properly with normal corrective lenses? Our electronic visual aids make your everyday life easier.

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Screen readers

Screen readers are probably the best-known magnifying visual aids. A camera is used, for example, to display printed text on the screen of the device.

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Magnifiers and illuminated magnifiers

Are you one of the people in Germany who cannot see properly with normal corrective lenses? Our electronic visual aids make your everyday life easier.

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Loupe half-glasses and loupe glasses

Are you one of the people in Germany who cannot see properly with normal corrective lenses? Our electronic visual aids make your everyday life easier.

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Edge and comfort filters

Do you struggle with glare problems in sunshine or diffuse daylight? Does your contrast vision decrease?

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Your eyesight is so poor that you have to ask people to read to you. Our portable reading aid can help here.

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Increase your reading ability with special and optimised lighting. We determine the right light colour.

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Telescope systems

Telescope systems are required for both the distance and the close-up range. They are available in magnifications from 1.2x to 6x for distance. However, you must bear in mind that more magnification means a smaller field of view.

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Top brands for magnifying visual aids at Lindemann Optik

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